Sunday, January 17, 2010

just read

she is a great tennis star and seriously speaking this time she will surely going to be the best player may be going to beat best tennis player and make all indian proud ...........
guess guess guess
common use ur gs

ok leave
what if i told you she is no more ............
she maybe able to achieve all that but our bounded thoughts and A GIRL HAS A CHARACTER -CHARACTER THAT TOO HAS A LIMITED DEFINATION IN OUR SOCIETY ...if a girl is rapped then along with her sufferings our society put a negative in her CHARACTER RESULT CARD and many a cases that NEGATIVE GRADING RESULT IN DEATH....
EXAMPLE IS Ruchika molestation: Ex-DGP...............
we talk of education reforms and bla bla and do international confernces for terrorism and enviornment but why dont we think of refroms that enlighten us
i think we need a education that provide human beings not engg,doctor,......